Mitigating health risks of long duration spaceflight
NASA closely monitors astronaut health during missions and throughout their lifetime. These medical monitoring programs, as well as prospective studies and medical research, help understand potentia ... more
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Apollo astronauts experiencing higher rates of cardiovascular-related deaths
Members of the successful Apollo space program are experiencing higher rates of cardiovascular problems that are thought to be caused by their exposure to deep space radiation, according to a Florid ... more
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Advancing satellite methods for mapping coastal seabeds
Next-Generation Water Satellite Maps Seafloor From Space
Scientists aim to uncover cause of unexpected warmth in Everest glacier
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Tile Bonding Begins for Orion's First Mission Atop Space Launch System Rocket
A crucial part of preparing NASA's next Orion spacecraft for flight now is underway. Technicians recently began the process of bonding thermal protection system (TPS) tiles to panels that will be in ... more

Avoiding stumbles, from spacewalks to sidewalks
Video of astronauts tripping over moon rocks can make for entertaining Internet viewing, but falls in space can jeopardize astronauts' missions and even their lives. Getting to one's feet in a bulky ... more
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China Mulls Ramping Up Its Missile Defense With Russia
With the televised demonstration of China's latest system of intercepting incoming ballistic missiles during the intermediate stage of their flight, it looks like the People's Republic is poised to ... more

Raytheon gets $36 million contract for RAM MK-31 improvements
Raytheon Missile Systems has received a $36 million U.S. Navy contract option for the Rolling Airframe Missile upgraded MK-31 Guided Missile Weapon System improvement program. ... more
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Lockheed Martin's mini missile completes second flight test
Lockheed Martin's Miniature Hit-to-Kill, or MHTK, interceptor missile was successfully launched Friday at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the company announced Tuesday. ... more